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5-5-11 Beautification Commission Minutes
Beautification Commission
Thursday, May 5, 2011   

Present:        Pat Byrnes; Elaine Dube; Marylee Hickey; Dolores Kehoe;
Tony Russo; Betty Russell; Pat Sirois.

Also Present:           Tim Bockus, Acting Director/Public Works  
        Roger Moss, Director/Park and Recreation
                        Bonnie Nichols, Director/Inspections and Planning

Absent:         Mary Mourey (excused).  

Call to order:
Chair Sirois called the meeting of the Beautification Commission to order at 7:18 p.m.

Acceptance of minutes of april 7, 2011      
Betty Russell made a motion to accept the minutes of the April 7, 2011 meeting. Seconded by Dolores Kehoe.  Approved.

Opportunity for citizens to speak:              None.   

Financial Report:                                       
Chair Sirois reported that the General Fund has $5253.47.  Remembrance Fund balance is $520.96.

Chair Sirois received the following communication:
  • A Thank You from Hartford East for the planting of the daffodils at 886 Main Street.
Chair's report: 
Chair Sirois spoke to Bill Doak, editor of the Gazette.  He mentioned that the Town of East Hartford should have a town flower. It is some type of rose.  Chair Sirois will meet with the owner of Plant and Garden World (formerly Vinny’s) to see if they have the flower available and maybe offer an incentive for town residents to purchase it for planting.  She will report back at the next meeting.
Tree Warden's RePORT:
Tim Bockus distributed and reviewed the report with the Commissioners.

He stated for the record that by the Town of East Hartford Charter the Director of Public Works is the Tree Warden.             
  • Tree City Information
The Town of East Hartford has been named “Tree City” for the 15th year.  The Tree City flag, placed at O’Brien School, has they year 15 on it.  Mayor Leclerc stated she would like a flag for town hall, since it is the 15th consecutive year being named “Tree City.”

MOTION  By Marylee Hickey
                Seconded by Tony Russo
To purchase an additional commemorative 15th year Tree City flag for town hall not to exceed $150.00.

Tim Bockus will get the flag for town hall.
Old BUsiness:                                                                           
  • Arbor Day
The following Commissioners attended the Arbor Day event at O’Brien School:  Chair Sirois, Pat Byrnes, Dolores Kehoe, Mary Mourey, Tony Russo, Betty Russell as well as Tim Bockus and Roger Moss.  Chair Sirois reported that Mayor Leclerc, Superintendent Zito, Councilman Richard Kehoe  and Eric Thompson and Board of Education member Anita Morrison attended also.  The president of the Garden Club, Debby Dubitsky was also there.

Tony Russo has been in contact with the school principal for the planting of the trees.

  • Update on Spring Plantings
Tony Russo reported the Town Green is in full bloom with the tulips.  Spring plantings will begin in a few weeks.

Pansies have been planted in the pots at the Senior Citizen Centers in town.

Roger Moss reported that the broken barrels in town have been removed and replaced.

New Business
  • Beautification Award recommendations
Commissioners will contact the clerk by May 23rd with recommendations for residential and business awards.

  • Lawn signs for Beautification Award recipients
Marylee Hickey will get a price on the signs for the June 2 meeting.

OTHER BUSINESS:                                                 None.
Concerns of the Commission:
The following concerns were discussed:
  • Brewer Street (across from St. Chris) – went to court
  • Maple Street and Handel Road
  • 710+ Brewer
  • Greenlawn – Tyvec still showing, no siding installed
Bonnie Nichols stated the homeowner has no funds to continue the work.
  • North side of EHCCC – corner of Fuller Street
  • Median on Oak/Hills Streets
  • Sutton Avenue – retaining wall
  • Medians across from Pratt & Whitney
Payment of Bills:
        Theresa Godreau (clerk)                                         $ 75.00
Pat Byrnes made a motion to pay the clerk as submitted.  Seconded by Dolores Kehoe.  Approved.
There being no further business, Marylee Hickey  made a motion to adjourn the meeting at
8:05 p.m. Seconded by Pat Byrnes. Approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Theresa Godreau, Clerk

Minutes Subject to Approval